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Study English at Austin Peay: Stand out among the crowd.

Our students are the makers, thinkers, and explorers of tomorrow - graduates of English programs go on to become doctors, lawyers, accountants, writers, publishers, teachers, and scholars.

We prepare students for jobs of the future, encouraging creative problem-solving, attention to detail, and a keen analytical approach that benefits students in ways that serve them for the rest of their lives.

At 365bet, we offer a strong generalist program with a broad foundation in British and American literature. Students may also take courses in creative writing, linguistics, professional writing, and non-Western literature. Graduate students here find a place to develop their knowledge, authority, and voices in the classroom. Our small seminars allow for exploration and absorbing discussions. Dedicated faculty cultivate mentoring relationships with our graduate students, and take pride in their students’ accomplishments and success. Admissions requirements may be found here. 

365bet has the distinction of being named the Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts (CECA)  in Tennessee. We are well-funded by the state to provide engaging, unique experiences for students. CECA routinely brings in renowned writers for lectures, discussions, workshops, and masterclasses. Past authors include Dorothy Allison, David Huddle, Louise Erdrich, Joyce Carol Oates, and Margaret Atwood. 

Our alumni are well prepared to enter the workforce, to attend further graduate studies, or to teach at the secondary and post-secondary levels. Life After the M.A.


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Master of Arts in English


What Do English Master of Arts Majors Do After Graduation?

English Master of Arts majors go on to pursue many different paths:

  • Secondary School Teachers

  • College Professor 

  • Writing/Drafting/Editing positions

  • Publishing 

  • Content Creators for websites, publishing outlets, and other media venues
  • Various other careers that will benefit from an employee's strong critical thinking

Madison Hobson
Madison Hobson

Being a Governor means so much more to me than a mascot; it means that I have the power to bring change and be change.
Nicholas Lee
Nicholas Lee

(At Austin Peay) I saw opportunities to do things I wouldn’t normally do that would make me uncomfortable and that has grown my confidence in a lot of ways.